Sex magic is using your inner alchemy powers to transform energies.  You use the energy of your orgasm to manifest your desires.  Sounds too good to be true right? But this practice has been around for thousands of years dating back to Egyptian civilization. Why have you never learned this? Because sex has been in the shadows as dirty, wrong, or bad and now as we bring it to the light we can use its power for the good.   

This type of magic is powerful because it takes what you visualize and brings it into this dimension.   Sex magic is a way to connect to yourself or to your partner on a deep soul level. When working with magic, you manifest that new job you want, the house you’ve been dreaming of, or the healing you’ve needed. There are no limits to what you can manifest through sex magic. However, there is also a responsibility to what you create.  So being very mindful and intention is vital when working with this energy.

Sex magic is a practice that can be done with a partner or completely solo. Using a yoni wand in your sex magic practice can enhance the energetics and up level clearing, healing and power.

Before you jump up and tell your partner you are ready for sex magic there are a few things you should know.  According to Margot Anand, the author of “The Art of Sexual Magic” there are preparations that need to take place before diving into the “abracadabra” practice. 

Preparation for Sex Magic:

  1. Find deep relaxation and high energy in your body
  2. Embrace altered states of consciousness- trance like state of consciousness by learning to relax in high states of consciousness, letting your entire body flood with orgasmic pleasure.
  3. Be in the present Moment

Coming into your body and listening to your truth is the way to create a magical set up.  Keeping the attention is how you begin manifesting. 

As in most magical practices, creating sacred space through rituals are very important.  Setting the container for the magic to take place really helps ground your energy.  Setting a sacred sexual altar is a powerful way to focus the intention and energy for the practice. (Check out Creating Your Sexual Energy Altar article or visit moniquegomez.comto get a free sacred altar building mini course.)

Step by Step Sex Magic:

  1. The first step of sex magic is creating and holding a vision of what you desire. Really get creative here. It can be any desire you have, nothing is too big or too small.
  2. Then create a symbol for your desire. This can be anything you come up with that you feel symbolizes the essence of your desire. I love using sacred geometry or intuitively drawing something as I hold my desire in my attention.  As long as you have the image of this in your mind you are good to go.  You can also create a mantra or use one word that encompasses the desire.
  3. Now you get sexy with it! With you or a partner, awaken your orgasmic sexual energy. Let yourself light up and really experience your pleasure.
  4. After you build the sexual energy, bring into your attention your sacred symbol, mantra or word representing your desire. See it in your mind’s eye. Hold it there as you bring more pleasure into your body.
  5. Keeping your attention on the symbol, allow it to ride the wave of your sexual energy up your body through the seven chakras. You can begin chanting the mantra or repeating the word.  As you reach orgasmic climax, allow the symbol to release into the universe along with your orgasmic sexual energy. 
  6. Stay with the release and your symbol as you bring your attention back into your body. You are connecting both the astral planes and the physical in this practice.


Sex magic is all about intention and awareness.  You must be present in your body and spirit in order to practice sex magic.  Magic is simply a transforming energies.  You use your imaginations and visions of desires as a guiding light to send you where you want to go. 

Your orgasmic energy is the ultimate creative force.  You can use that energy to manifest new opportunities in your life.

Have fun exploring!




February 05, 2020 — A J
Tags: blog sex magic